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SIGN UP FOR THE PURIM PARTY  | Registration only $15 

Text PURIM to 571-777- 0613

To come to the Purim Party, you MUST get a negative PCR COVID test. CHB is offering PCR testing on Tuesday, February 23rd 6:00 PM-7:00 PM. Click here to sign up. If you'd like you can test on your own PCR test and send the results in to by Thursday 12:00PM. Your test can be taken as early as Monday night, not earlier.

PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited so sign up ASAP. You must bring and wear a mask at all times, and social distancing will be enforced. 

Thursday, February 18th Taanis Esther 

6:15 PM Megillah reading on the third floor 
9:00 PM Purim Party on the third floor 
9:00 PM Megillah reading #2 outside of CHB
10:00PM Megillah Reading #3 outside of CHB

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