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About Rabbi and Rebbetzin Korn

Rabbi Korn, born David Brandon Korn, was raised in Morristown, New Jersey, the only child of secular Jewish parents and spoiled rotten. Rabbi Korn was all over middle school. He got straight “A’s,” served as class president, and dabbled in professional acting. As an actor he was D. Brandon Korn. He idolized Dylan McKay, Beverly Hills 90210, and denied what he perceived as his Krusty-the-Clown-like Jewish ancestry. In camp he was known as Korny, a camper of legendary status, captain of the color war- star of the camp play.

Rabbi Korn, using the moniker Dave, questioned the purpose of life and meaning of existence at the tender age of fifteen. His dissatisfaction with the standard answers sent him on a quest for knowledge, leading him across the country and into the annals of every religion save his own. Hinduism, Catholicism, Rastafarianism, hippie counterculture, afros, dreadlocks and Jerry Garcia brought him peace for a time, but those moments were fleeting and far between.

While at a Grateful Dead Concert in Las Vegas, Rabbi Korn, then known as Butterfly, met an angel…his future wife Sarah…but the timing was off and they parted ways. As meaningful and spiritually uplifting as Rabbi Korn’s travels were, eventually he was forced to look himself in the mirror. He gazed at his nose and realized that he could not hide from his heritage anymore…he was a Jew. His search brought him onward to Yeshiva University, and finally to Hadar HaTorah, a Rabbinical Seminary in Brooklyn.

Before she was Rebbetzin Sarah Korn, she was Sari, a vegan “Deadhead” with long blonde dreadlocks and a sweet smile, standing in front of Circus-Circus in Las Vegas on the fated day that young couple met. She eventually said goodbye to the dreadlocks, but never lost her smile. Ultimately, after a series of events both dramatic and otherwise, Sarah made her way to Brooklyn and attended Machon Chana Women’s Institute.

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